
Mouse and Space Key


1. Most microgames can be played either by clicking  the mouse or pressing SPACE on the keyboard. You'll know which ones these are if there's a grey button behind the name of the game.

2. Occasionally, there will be a microgame that can only be played with the mouse. These games have no grey button behind their name.


After months in the making, the first demo of StreamerWare is here! An evolution of a generic WarioWare-style game submitted for a game jam, StreamerWare is a collection of microgames themed around some of my favorite streamers and categories on Twitch. This demo features 10 games, with many more planned for future updates!

Streamers Featured




Programming & Design - Avi-Sionary

Main Composer - Shadow Gengis


Please leave any feedback you may have in the comments below. Whether you really liked or really hated something, your thoughts will help improve the game and further its development.


"what did u use to make the game?"

  • StreamerWare is developed in GDevelop 5, a free-to-use game engine that doesn't require you to use scripting languages to code.

"why streamers?"

  • because i am quirky and cool

"omg can u make a game for my stream uwu"

  • no

"how come u didnt make anything for this streamer or that streamer?"

  • The streamers featured in StreamerWare weren't chosen because of their fame or follow count or any sort of clout they may have. They were chosen because I like them and know them on a (somewhat) better level than "big-time" streamers. 
  • Obviously, that isn't to say that bigger streamers on Twitch are bad, or anything like that. They put out good content and I respect them for it. I'm sure they're awesome people. That said, I'm not going to be featuring people I barely even know in my game, even if they're some of Twitch's favorite streamers.

"then how did u decide what streamers to make games for?"

  • Generally speaking, the streams that are chosen have to meet the following criteria:
    • I have been following that stream for at least 6 months.
    • I'm not a stranger in the streamer's community (imagine how awkward it would be if a lurker popped out of nowhere and made a whole-ass game with you in it).
    • The streamer is a cool and rad person.

"but my stream meets the criteria, how come u didnt make a game for me  why dont u love me :("

  • As I mentioned earlier, more microgames are planned to be added in future updates - in fact, I already have 8 more streamers chosen that I'm currently making games for that are not featured in this demo. Odds are that, if you really do meet the above criteria, that you're going to be featured in the near future.

"will the final game cost any money?"

  • The game is and always will be free to play. There will never be a paywall looming over it. The only monetary aspects of StreamerWare are optional donations. Speaking of...


While developing StreamerWare doesn't cost me any money, things like rent, school and medical bills do, and unfortunately I'm currently in a position where I can't necessarily afford all of these at once. If you like the game and want to see more, please consider donating and supporting my work. Even a small amount helps - and of course, remember that donations are always appreciated, but never required.

Donate here:

If you can't donate but still want to support me in other ways, consider joining my Discord server and/or following me on my various social media platforms so you can check out more of what I do and get updates on my various projects. Aside from game development, I'm also a UX/UI + graphic designer, writer, content creator and streamer!

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